Aussie Linux body faces growing pains

Posted by VISITOR on Jul 4, 2005 3:08 AM EDT
ZDNet Australia; By Renai LeMay
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The future of Linux Australia (LA) is in doubt as the organisation debates how to best carry out its operations with limited resources.

In a public e-mail and blog entry entitled "Can Linux Australia survive?", the organisation's president Jon Oxer this week summed up the problems facing the body. "Right now Linux Australia is at a difficult size -- you could almost think of it as being at the 'teenager' stage of development," he said.

Pointing out LA was run by a hard-working voluntary committee that periodically burnt out and had to be replaced with "fresh blood", Oxer described the situation as "dangerous" in the growing organisation.

"The committee is refreshed annually with an influx of new suckers to jump on the treadmill," wrote Oxer, "but as activity in the organisation increases, the burnout rate will no doubt increase proportionally."

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The future is always in doubt AnonymousCoward 0 1,111 Jul 4, 2005 3:18 AM

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