Scared Microsoft just spreading Linux patent FUD

Posted by monmouthing on May 14, 2007 3:25 AM EDT
DaniWeb; By Davey Winder
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Interesting take on the 235 patent infringements argument, suggesting that Microsoft is running scared of open source and spreading FUD in an attempt to bully people into paying some kind of Microsoft Tax.

"Why has Microsoft not filed against those concerned in order to protect its IP and add a few million in damages to its bottom line? After all, the IT business is not exactly know as being shy when it comes to filing for patent infringement, and Microsoft isn’t what one could call backwards in coming forwards regarding litigation to protect itself. Could it have something to do with taking a big stick and little carrot approach to lucrative commercial deals, such as we have seen recently with the Novell ‘we won’t sue you if you jump into bed with us’ pact? Or perhaps it is more a case of running scared from the big stick that the Open Invention Network (OIN), with members such as IBM, Philips and Sony at the helm, has been carving which might just be long enough to poke Microsoft in the eye and heavy enough to do some serious damage in the patent litigation department?"

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So that's how they've been doing it all these years! ABCC 1 1,841 May 14, 2007 9:37 AM
International speakers to discuss the European Patent System henke54 0 1,718 May 14, 2007 6:35 AM

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