Looking for a small Linux that will run with a GUI in 4MB of RAM

Posted by dave on Jun 3, 2007 10:42 AM EDT
Personal; By tracyannne
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I have been given a really old Laptop, it has a 486 DX 66 MHz CPU and 4 Meg of RAM. It's currently running Win 95. I'd like to find a tiny Linux that I can run on it.

The Machine has no CD ROM, it has floppy disk only, there are no USB ports, there are serial and Parallel. What I'm looking for is a Linux that will run a GUI in 4 Meg of RAM on a 486 CPU. Probably this would be something like IceWM, and some applications that will run on this machine, a minimal word processor, and other bits and pieces, including x based games if possible.

I'm not yet sure how I would install anything yet though, as I might need to be able to create images on floppy drives. Does anyone know anything that will do this or can help me do it.

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Subject Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post
Simple answer - forget it! ayeomans 15 2,811 Jun 5, 2007 2:54 AM
Looking for a small Linux that will run with a GUI in 4MB of pogson 21 6,455 Jun 4, 2007 10:52 AM
Broken link? jdixon 15 2,486 Jun 3, 2007 7:54 PM

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