That's what Suse Pro is for

Story: Novell Linux Desktop reviewed: A New Linux Desktop for Enterprise CustomersTotal Replies: 1
Author Content

Nov 15, 2004
9:48 AM EDT
"If Novell wants to make a contribution to Linux, then create a desktop that the broad market can embrace."

Decent review but the quip (above) at the end seems strange. The broad market appeal is reserved for Suse Pro and Novell's desktop is squarely aimed at the corporate sector. This is pretty much the same strategy that SUN / JDS has adopted.

Novell still has a huge customer base and a sharply focused distribution seems like a smart strategy.


Nov 15, 2004
10:04 AM EDT

I understand your point and it's generally well taken. Lots of us like SuSE.

SuSE Pro is a Linux project similar to Fedora. It's not a desktop for the consumer. Novell doesn't have anything like Mac OS X or XP.

If you look at Novell's history and DNA, this is step one in bringing everything under one brand. Which products will they eliminate from the SuSE brand and what will they replace them with? That's a reasonable question.

JDS is augmented by an active community that uses that desktop as the basis for a consumer one.

At a minimum, Novell should have a product manager who sees the whole picture. NDL needs to eliminate needless duplications, name the software something closer to its function and find a decent theme artist. Look at Figures 9 & 10 and you can see this product looks a car put together from a junk yard.

If they didn't get that from the review, perhaps it will occur to them on their own.

It's an OK entry, but nothing to call home about.

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