where to buy a ppc

Story: Announcing Fedora Core 3 for PowerPC platformsTotal Replies: 2
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Dec 09, 2004
5:32 PM EDT
Where can I buy a ppc system, other then apple?

Dec 09, 2004
8:43 PM EDT
There is a platform called Pegasos that you might want to have a look at http://www.pegasosppc.com/tech_specs.php in general any PPC is hard to come by and expensive. If you just want to play around with an alternative cpu etc your best bet is probably to get an old Apple and run something like Yellowdog on it.

Once in a while there is a pegasus for sale on ebay but they are always more expensive than an equivalent powered Apple platform

The problem with the PowerPC platform is that IBM does not want to support smaller quantities so you have to pay $250+ to get the CPu from a distributor and the Chipsets are $150 range. THis compared to $50 and $20 respectively for x86. . I am talking from experience on this. We had a finished design but couldn't take the risk of having to sell MB's at $700 or more. Bummer!


Dec 09, 2004
9:47 PM EDT
ebay an old ppc Motorola based machine or older RS6000 ppc machine.

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