Penguin Counter Penguin? You mean, PCP??

Story: Penguin Counter Penguin: You Say Tomato, I say "Desktop"!Total Replies: 7
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Jan 24, 2005
10:24 AM EDT
Penguin Counter Penguin? You mean, PCP?? - lol, great article! & nice gimp work too!


Jan 24, 2005
10:28 AM EDT
PCP! Dammit, I knew I was forgetting something -- I needed to run the title through a TLA checker!

It could be worse, though, those penguins could have my face plastered on them ;)


Jan 24, 2005
10:32 AM EDT
Dude, you're a nut! Did I ever tell you that I got that tattooed on my back??


btw: This is a cool site!

Jan 24, 2005
4:56 PM EDT
Riveting! Sensational! An intellectual delight! A must see for the whole family.


Jan 24, 2005
7:11 PM EDT
tuxchick: Riveting?!?!

I see how you are! You thought you could slip that insult by real sly-like, but it's plain as day to the mechanical engineer in me -- thought you'd be all c lever-like and pull a fast one, didn't you?!?! Riveting could mean "oh, it's hard to take your eyes off" -- or it could mean "a cheap bond", like it's not welded or implying shoddy workmanship.

You mechanical snob hackers are all alike. You crouch in the dust of your workshops, nothing but the glow of the arc welders and the smell of smouldering grease to guide your way. You pretend to be giving out compliments like "wow, that's a real piece of work" -- but it's obvious that your words have double meanings. I suspect you might even be implicating sarcasm (how dare you!).

But I'm onto you now! I sense foul-play (penguin play?) of the most tactile sort. You can keep your rivet gun hidden, but your intentions are now obvious to everyone. Soon (SOON!) we'll all rise up and bind, we'll stick together against you and your kind -- like we're rubber and you're glue, the insults will bounce off and stick to you.

Kinda poetic that. Sorry...

Then, THEN, we'll see who's fasten-ating!

Jan 25, 2005
12:43 PM EDT
No FAIR! I suck at puns. I should have known better than to engage in a battle of wits. May your soldering iron weld itself to your workbench!

Jan 25, 2005
1:01 PM EDT
You don't have to worry about that with FerriKlutz. I hear he's not really good with tools, so he probably doesn't even know how to solder!


Jan 25, 2005
2:04 PM EDT
listen Toolboy -- what would you know about my tool expertise? I've got a million examples of my usage of tools, starting with the gimp and ending with hacked up html pages...

And you Know what I mean -- don't make me pull up vi and prove it ;)


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