Magnificent use of sarcasm, Paul!

Story: FeriCyde Chat: The Linux Virus Threat List for 2005Total Replies: 9
Author Content

Feb 08, 2005
3:28 PM EDT
But you missed "ShortHorn" as an alternate for your first virus. It's a singularly appropriate name, given how much they've torn out of it already.

Feb 08, 2005
4:49 PM EDT
AC: it's standard issue for the folks in the Redmond Infirmary. They tore tons of stuff out of Win2k to get it out on time. I note that XP didn't have a year attached to it, so it became the bloatware that win2k couldn't aspire to.


Feb 08, 2005
5:40 PM EDT

Feb 09, 2005
1:16 AM EDT
tuxxy: Okay, okay -- it's really satire, not sarcasm.

You literary hackers are all alike. You crouch in the dust of your classrooms, nothing but the glow of cheap educational Mac software and the smell of moldy chalk to guide your way. You claim to preach tolerance to the Linux community out of one side of your mouth:

But you're in reality like a crouching tiger, waiting to pounce on the closest victim -- and what was the infraction this time?!?! Misuse of a word -- a WORD -- it's not like any sheet-metal was damaged (That would have made you a mechanical hacker, the subject of a different outing).

But your true agenda makes itself as clear as text on last years syllabus -- and we're onto you now. Soon (SOON!) legions of LXer users will watch your every posting, digging into the most trivial infraction and highlighting every word. Then -- THEN -- you'll know what it feels like to have someone make a mountain out of a mole-hill.

In the future, try not to be so petty -- ok? I await your apology.


Feb 09, 2005
9:48 AM EDT
Mr Cyde, you would complain at being hung with a new rope. I meant it read fine as a straight news story. I do sincerely apologize for your lack of understanding and sadly defective telepathy. Really, it was a compliment. You show great promise at being an analyst. Gartner, Yankee Group, or- wait! no! do not settle for being a lackey- you must found your own company- nay, an Institute! Yes, that's it! "The Maximillian Robespierre Institute Of Clear Thinking And Impeccable Reasoning." Register a domain name, create a staff directory consisting of a half-dozen email aliases for yourself, and use Col's Random Sentence Generator to effortlessly generate a lofty Manifesto.

On second thought, I think I want to do this....

Feb 09, 2005
9:52 AM EDT
tuxxy: That didn't look like much of an apology -- I kind of suspect that your reply might actually be sarcasm...

Feb 09, 2005
10:21 AM EDT
Sarcasm or satire, it's pretty hard to top real life, like the "Alexis de Tocqeville Institution"

I guess an Institution is even loftier than a mere Institute?

For those who have erased this silliness from their memory banks, Ken Brown of ADTI was the one who ran around making a lot of noise about how Linus did not really write Linux, and got spanked by the likes of Andrew Tanenbaum:

Fave quote: "AST: "What's the Alexis de Tocqueville Institution?" KB: We do public policy work AST: A think tank, like the Rand Corporation? KB: Sort of AST: What does it do? KB: Issue reports and books AST: Who funds it? KB: We have multiple funding sources AST: Is SCO one of them? Is this about the SCO lawsuit? KB: We have multiple funding sources AST: Is Microsoft one of them? KB: We have multiple funding sources"

Feb 09, 2005
10:43 AM EDT
I think you both need to be institutionalized!


Feb 09, 2005
1:24 PM EDT
Tool, look whos talking!

Feb 09, 2005
2:36 PM EDT
Tuxchick: I think the transcriber mis-spelled "fudding sources".

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