Linux is garbage, Open BSD man says

Story: Linux is garbage, Open BSD man saysTotal Replies: 4
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Jun 17, 2005
4:34 PM EDT
Sounds to me like De Raadt has a pickle in his bum because nobody pays any attention to him! :)


Jun 17, 2005
5:28 PM EDT
Forbes has ulterior motives. They tried to get Linus to shoot back, but as usual, Linus is smarter than to fall for it. If this guy did really say that, he just lost the little respect he had.

Jun 17, 2005
5:33 PM EDT
The article is an obvious troll as is the author Dan Lyons. Mr. Lyons has been known to go out of his way to trash Linux or spread FUD about it. This is blatantly obvious toward the end of the article where he writes about Lok Technologies and their decision to switch from Linux to OpenBSD based on a kernel developer's comment. WTF is that nonsense!?! Of course this does not change what Theo has said about Linux (now or in the past) regardless of the intentions of the author of this flame-bait article. We all know what kind of personality Theo exhibits on the mailing-lists. OpenBSD is a wonderful os, has a helpful and knowledgable community like most other *nix Os, and of course has it share of fanboys & zealots; just a shame that the founder and head developer of OpenBSD is also the project's biggest zealot of them all.

Articles exposing the shill that Dan Lyons is (taken from someone's post at /. ):

Jun 17, 2005
6:16 PM EDT
Just found this at /. -->

Kinda of makes Lok Technologies & Dan Lyons look like a bunch of fools now doesn't it? Even though they pretty much did a good job of that themselves. ;)

Jun 18, 2005
4:38 AM EDT
BSD folks can be an interesting lot. Not better or worse than Linux folks, just different.

My experiences are that 1) BSDs are rock-solid OS's. I could pretty much completely forget about my freeBSD box.

2) BSD folks, while nice-enough, are more likely to hit you with RTFM than Linux folks, reinforcing the stereotype that **BSD is guru-friendly.

As to technical superiority, pretty code only looks nice when you're reading the source. Nice code is highly desirable for many reasons, but it's what happens when you run the stuff that matters most. Linux, for better or for worse, has become the Open-Source OS star. Resources are going to it, software is being developed for it first, then fixed up for other platforms.

I work for a client now that is primarily an AIX shop with some Linux. The balance could change because tools such as libxml2 can be glitchy on non-Linux systems. Now, that is a comment on the folks doing the project, not on the OS platforms, but it remains a fact of life that must be dealt with.

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