Great article and great idea

Story: Leaked memo from Intel shows Major Linux EffortTotal Replies: 2
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Nov 04, 2005
8:10 AM EDT
"We believe the government should appoint an independent special prosecutor to investigate everything Microsoft does......"

Great idea.... especially now that M$ is feeling the heat and becoming more desperate to hang on to their monopoly, at any cost. They have plenty of way$ to influence politician$.

Nov 04, 2005
9:27 AM EDT
Thanks mdl.

It took a lot of work. And it's nice to be appreciated.


Mar 13, 2006
6:23 AM EDT
"It took a lot of work. And it's nice to be appreciated. "

It certainly is appreciated!

I'm not counting on any special prosecutor, though. After a 5 year investigation, there would be some weasel-worded agreement that once again asks Microsoft to please, if it's not too inconvenient, do not repeat that obsolete, discarded practice you did back before we started this.

I expect the main investigation to continue to come from individuals and groups, just like this article and those to which you linked.

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