law enforcement agencies should fight crack??

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Jan 20, 2006
5:29 PM EDT
Quoting:Or maybe our law enforcement agencies should fight crack dealers by selling crack!
This is actually not a bad idea. Take the profit out of the drug trade and we will be closer to solving the drug problem than what 40 years of "War on drugs" has acomplished

Jan 21, 2006
6:27 PM EDT
> Take the profit out of the drug trade and we will be closer to solving the drug problem than what 40 years of "War on drugs" has acomplished.

True. Of course you could accomplish the same thing by legalizing the drugs.:)

Jan 21, 2006
7:17 PM EDT
Quoting:Of course you could accomplish the same thing by legalizing the drugs
Isn't that the same thing? At least that was what I meant when I made the comment. US drug policies as so many other policies are a mystery to me. The war on drugs must be about something else.


Jan 21, 2006
7:23 PM EDT
Don't know if any of that would work, but, it couldn't be any worse.

Jan 22, 2006
12:45 PM EDT

> Isn't that the same thing?

Not really, no. You're assuming that law enforcement wouldn't do anything illegal. History shows that this is not a wise assumption. :)

> US drug policies as so many other policies are a mystery to me.

They defy analysis if you assume that the purpose is to control the use of drugs, yes.

> The war on drugs must be about something else.

It is. Probably about several other things actually. As with anything of this scope, a number of agendas are advanced for a number of people.


> Don't know if any of that would work, but, it couldn't be any worse.

Agreed. The war on drugs is very similar to prohibition, with the same effects, and the same ultimate solution, assuming those in power want the problems fixed. However, this is turning into another political discussion, and I don't want to cause Tom to delete another thread.

Jan 22, 2006
2:05 PM EDT
Anyway jdixon, none of the afore mentioned solutions will ever happen in this reality anyway.

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