Firefox Advertising vs Microsoft Advertising

Story: Firefox: the User UnleashedTotal Replies: 4
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Jan 25, 2006
9:23 AM EDT

MSFT is spending $120 million to make other coutries think they aren't as big as they really are.


Spread Firefox is using word of mouth and solid products that encourage their use.

I can see why MSFT is upset. Talk about a poor return on their investments.

Jan 25, 2006
11:52 AM EDT
I liked the story so much, I posted it. I wonder if Microsoft will ever cease to amaze us with their antics. They remind me of a pathological liar I once knew. I caught her doing something, she turned around and said, "I didn't do that." Boy was I confused ;)

Jan 25, 2006
12:03 PM EDT
MSFT is going down hill and fast too. If Vista is a smash hit I will be surprised. If Vista comes out of the gate with a limp I won't be surprised. No matter the outcome MST will be shouting at how many copies they shipped last month. Not many copies were installed but how many shipped.

I wonder if the majority of the 65,000 employees at MSFT work in programming or marketing?

Jan 25, 2006
12:19 PM EDT
The Microsofties have been talking a lot about singularity, their next-generation Operating System in the technical press, and on line lately.

I believe investors should take this as a sign. Microsoft expects quite a bit of disappointment with Vista. Vista will sell, but it will be like Windows XP. The Marketing department will show impressive numbers for the first week, but that will probably include Dell, hp, Lenovo and others signing up for OEM licensing. The copies of Vista that those sales represent may not ship for months or years.

But why would Microsoft be talking about singularity? The entire company should be on-message for the Vista roll-out. It should be all Vista all the time. They need to hype, hype, hype. I can't think of a single reason for any Microsoft employees to mention Singularity out side of a few academic venues.

That is of course unless they need Singularity as vaporware. Yeah, Vista has a few problems, but did you see what we're promising in the next version? It'll solve all these issues and its going to ship Real Soon Now(tm)! We're going to out-unix unix, out-linux linux, and out-hype P.T. Barnum, just you wait and see!

Jan 25, 2006
8:08 PM EDT
Singularity is not the next Windows following Vista. The next windows iteration was called Blackcomb now renamed Vienna . [url="Vienna"]"Vienna"[/url]

Singularity is an experimental kernel from the MS R&D lab. It is actually quite funny in a tongue in cheek way since a major critic of MS' R&D is that it is like a blackhole. Lots of stuff going in, nothing ever escapes.

As for why the press right now? I don't thing you are right. There is no press currently about either

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