Ken Fisher throws a fumble with his -3 Mace of Dissing

Story: Richard Stallman casts aspersions using Mace of Dissing +5Total Replies: 0
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Feb 09, 2006
1:23 AM EDT
Ken Fisher should have read the whole linuxp2p interview, not just the citations mainstream press has been throwing at us.

It is obvious that Ken Fisher doesn't have a clue about RMS and his vision and mission, otherwise he would have managed to discuss in a more elaborated way.

Ken Fishers article isn't even written well, he fails to create a proper line of argument. He simply cites RMS and then states his own opinion without elaborating or connecting them to each other.

The last paragraph is the funniest one, complete gibberish, even the dubyah couldn't have done better.

Ken Fisher, before you start dissing people, make sure you grok what they're saying.

(Oh and yes, I am in a bad mood today. My Sun's Meta keys died on my. Have you ever tried using emacs without a meta key?)

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