Isn't this a plus?

Story: Firefox users won't be buying on Windows Live shoppingTotal Replies: 4
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May 04, 2006
7:05 AM EDT
Firefox users won't be buying on Windows Live shopping

And this is negative how? Less business for MS, is less dominance. Less dominance is good.

May 04, 2006
8:41 AM EDT
If users want the bargains badly enough, they will go ahead and use IE. It might be enough to persuade them to return to IE as their default browser. That would not be a plus in my book.

May 04, 2006
9:41 AM EDT
Yet another suit against MS? Restraint of trade or whatever? I really see this as a problem for MS.

May 04, 2006
10:09 AM EDT
Given the huge number of Internet shopping sites, MS has an uphill battle to succeed anyway. What do they offer to make them more attractive than Amazon, Newegg,, Tower Records, Powell's Books, Land's End, LL Bean, etc.? All of the great online shopping sites offer fast cheap/free shipping, ease of use, liberal return policies, and good values. You know, all those features that are alien to the Microshaft mentality.

I fired up my XP box and tried the site, and it crashed aieee hard, and took Windows down with it. What little I saw of it was a typical "portal" site, with the latest Tom Cruise news and other junk. But don't be surprised if it succeeds, all they need is a link on the desktop of every dommed PC they sell.

**edit** OK I got aiee to stay up a couple minutes longer. Man, they are trying to do everything- auctions, retail, and Pricewatch-type stuff. Whatever.

May 05, 2006
4:23 AM EDT
Yep... stee-rike [102,398] on the new "we're cooperating with open-source" pitch. :-p

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