Am I being dense here?

Story: Unix Vs. Windows HostingTotal Replies: 3
Author Content

May 08, 2006
6:51 AM EDT
> ...Windows is necessary for hosting Windows media files such as videos and audio.

Since when? All you're doing is storing the files on the server to be downloaded to the browser. How does that require that you use Windows as the host OS?


May 08, 2006
8:43 AM EDT

I saw several such weird 'factoids' like that in the article. So many that I took the lazy way out and just closed the tab.

May 08, 2006
3:35 PM EDT
jdixon, you need windows servers for streaming Windows-format audio and video. Otherwise you're right, any ole file can be dowloaded from any ole server.

May 08, 2006
4:17 PM EDT

> need windows servers for streaming Windows-format audio and video.

OK, that makes a lot more sense. The article did not specify streaming. I suspect even streaming could be worked around, but I doubt it would be worth the effort; and given the company involved, it might not be legal to do so.

You know, I know I set dino up with that headline. Is he sick or something? :)

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