Microslimey strikes again

Story: Microsoft's Calling Home Problem: It's a Matter of Informed ConsentTotal Replies: 3
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Jun 11, 2006
8:07 PM CST
Can anyone explain to me why any rational human being on the planet would *choose* to be exploited and spied upon by Microsoft?

Jun 11, 2006
9:02 PM CST
It's a trade off at the end of the day.

Put up with being spied on in exchange for not having to think.

Jun 12, 2006
9:44 AM CST
I think it's the abstract nature of computing. If creepy little people were coming into people's homes, taking pictures and recording everything, that would stir up some outrage. (Though surprisingly little, I'll wager.) But when they boot up winduhs, they don't see all those bits traveling over the wires to Redmond, it's just magic voodoo.

Jun 12, 2006
10:36 AM CST
But tuxchick, why be suprised. We know that all to many people 'do' regard computers and even electronics as magic.

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