Thinning Ubuntu

Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 3
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Jun 29, 2006
8:27 PM EDT
I found I could thin Ubuntu to run much better on Win9x-class PCs. (Meaning, 400Mhz, < 256MB variety systems.)

Actions: * Remove some ttys's from inittab: 4, 5, and 6. * Replace Nautilus with Thunar in gconf-editor and with all launcher icons as much as possible. * Unload GDM and just have ~/.bash_profile load startx on boot for certain users. * Save your gnome session once on logout and then remove references to nautilus in ~/.gnome2/session file. This makes your desktop go away, leaving only gnome-panel. * Add a script to your gnome session so that xsetroot can be called to set your default mousepointer style and your background color. Now you have a clutter-free desktop. * Install rcconf and unload services you know you don't need. * Replace gedit launcher with mousepad. * Replace gcalctool launcher with galculator. * Replace gnome-terminal launcher with pterm. * Install Abiword and Gnumeric. If users want more features, they use OOffice. If they want more speed, they use Abiword and Gnumeric. * Get the user used to using 'S5' instead of looking for a GTK-based Powerpoint app. * If, no matter what, certain critical apps are slow, then consider having a launcher load this app over SSH and X through the network. * Use 'nice' in scripts for some application launches so that you can make them run faster. * Remove ipv6 capability from Firefox.


Jun 29, 2006
9:17 PM EDT
If you're doing that much customization, you might want to consider starting from a minimal installation of Debian Sarge and just adding what you need (by way of apt-get install).

You might also want to read "Building The Lo-Fat Linux Desktop" at

Jun 29, 2006
9:34 PM EDT
Or testing Debian. It's quite usable right now.

Jun 29, 2006
10:03 PM EDT
Or Xubuntu.

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