New license

Story: Kernel developers declare GPLv3 dangerousTotal Replies: 1
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Sep 23, 2006
7:44 AM EDT
Why doesn't the FSF release the GPLv3 as just another license in the FSF family of licenses: "GPL, LGPL and now announcing the FPL!" And we'll see who uses it...

A short way to summarize the problem is "Just who has the power here?" Obviously, it's the developers who will choose a license, not the FSF.

Sep 23, 2006
10:39 AM EDT

Well, that would seem to be logical, but, some will use it, and, because of the way the license works, derivatives may end up being GPL3 anyway, or, GPL2 may not even be able to be used with GPL3. The whole thing really gets convoluted and I dread the thought of this geting into Debian, or any other distro for that matter. I can't even imagine what a nightmare it will be to sort out...

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