Not OpenSource

Story: Openmfg Upgrades Open Source-Based ERP SolutionTotal Replies: 2
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Nov 06, 2006
6:55 PM EDT
OpenMFG is the worst kind of software. It claims to be OpenSource, but it is really a "Shared Source" license. Anyone is free to release software how they want, but this company has been riding the coattails of the OpenSource bandwagon for a loooonnnggg time now, and no-one has called their bullshit.


Nov 08, 2006
1:01 PM EDT
Um, Stephan, the following page has been on the OpenMFG website for a loooonnnggg time now.

Here's a quote: So is the OpenMFG license "open source"? You can read it for yourself here. We don’t think it meets the OSI definition, and we rather expect that they’d agree. You'll also notice in the press release (and in all our PR), we go to great pains to refer to OpenMFG as "open source-based" ... and always try to be clear that we're not claiming to be free software.

But we try to be good open source citizens too. We've open sourced our report writer, OpenRPT (, and are fairly active in the PostgreSQL community.

Please do your homework before spreading inaccurate information.

Ned Lilly CEO, OpenMFG

Nov 08, 2006
2:39 PM EDT
Ned, thanks for clarifying OpenMFG's position.

Stephanfeb: Here at LXer, we do strive to keep the forums clean of crude language, as this is a family-friendly site. Please review your ToS.

Thanks, Don

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