New install of suse 10.2, intel video questions

Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 6
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Dec 30, 2006
12:52 PM EDT
I picked up a new box yesterday, a duo-core 64-bit machine, and installed suse 10.2. The installer detected the 64-bit CPUs and installed a 64-bit OS, everything is working well, and it's nice and fast.

Well almost everything. The video is set up as a dumb vesa frame buffer. The onboard video is supposed to be fully supported as it is in the i965 family.

What sort of luck have people here had with the newest Intel onboard video? I've got xorg (7.2.0 RC 2). I'll be glad to try tweaking the xorg.conf file, if anybody's got any working examples with this intel chipset.

lspci for this device gives:

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82946GZ/GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)

Dec 31, 2006
10:31 AM EDT
It sounds like your hardware wasn't properly detected and you're using the default xorg.conf file. Have you tried running xorgcfg to generate a new config file? That may solve your problem.

Dec 31, 2006
2:02 PM EDT
xorgcfg - haha, wow that's a blast from the past - haven't seen that since it was called xf86config, back in 1994 or so.

While going back to basics is an option, I was actually hoping for a quick fix, something along the lines of 'substitute the driver "i965" for "fbdev" in xorg.conf'.

I guess I could even put on a pot of coffee and grab a notpad and a calculator and work up an xorg.conf file the old way, but if the chipset isn't supported, it's all in vain.

Has *anybody* here gotten i956 video fully working, or does this just confirm the old chestnut that says "if you want good graphics, get an nvidia card and load the blob!"


Dec 31, 2006
2:16 PM EDT
> haven't seen that since it was called xf86config, back in 1994 or so.

xorgcfg and xorgconfig are two different programs. :)

Seriously, exit X, back up your xorg.conf file and run xorgcfg to generate a new one and see if it works. It should put the new xorg.conf file in your home directory. That's almost as quick as editting the existing xorg.conf file. In the meantime, let me do some research.

Dec 31, 2006
2:49 PM EDT
Well, bad news. As far as I can tell from the Xorg wiki, the i965 chipset is not yet supported. The wiki says the following:

The Intel graphics driver in X.Org supports the following chipsets:

* i810 * i815 * i830 * i845 * i855 * i865 * i915 (GMA 900) * E7221 * i945 (GMA 950)

The ChangesForX11R72 page has the following line:

Intel i965 chipset support

See and for the gory details.

Since you're running the closest thing you can get to R72, I'd think it would be in there, but apparently it's not since it wasn't identified. However, you can try changing the driver to the i810 driver and see what happens.

Dec 31, 2006
3:40 PM EDT
Hmm, it turned out to be really easy to get a big improvement - just trying the "i810" driver as you as you suggested works out nicely. The performance is not quite nvidia level, but it's certainly usable, especially after loading the dri/drm module. So, I was gearing up for a big struggle, but it was trivial to fix, involving editing a line and adding a line line in xorg.conf. The difference in performance is quite noticeable -

glxgears before = 400 fps glxgears after = 2000 fps

And dragging a konsole around the screen is silky smooth now, where it was previously laggy. Now I need to try out quake 3 arena and see how it goes.

Dec 31, 2006
4:28 PM EDT
Glad to be of assistance.

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