Another good read.

Story: World Domination – Finding Linux EverywhereTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

Jan 15, 2007
10:59 AM CST
I don't think I'll ever get tired of reading stories like this one. It makes my day. Thank you Darren.

Jan 16, 2007
12:53 AM CST
indeed ... an excellent article

Jan 21, 2007
11:04 AM CST
I too see Linux growing rapidly. The selection of software is almost too large... Youngsters swim in Linux with only a brief introduction. More conservative adults take a little hand holding. The decay of Microsoft is evident: - five years delay between releases make Debian seem like rocket science - malware/adware/vapourware/reboots/re-installs of Windows are obvious to everyone and all enjoy the relative immunity of Linux - I installed a new system in a school this year and there was a two to one captital cost advantage in favour of Linux, more than that for ongoing maintenance. Windows fanboys may not mind shelling out for licences, but organizations with hundreds or thousands of stations can multiply. - the market is reacting with disdain to Vista ("Who needs it? Who wants it?") - Vista DRM is falling flat, too

Before you know it, MSFT will be suing their customers to get them to buy Vista. Wait, they are already suing their customers... just like SCO did in 2003. Remember SCO?

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