Stallman is consistant, and that is a good thing.

Story: Vyatta VP undresses Richard StallmanTotal Replies: 20
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Jan 29, 2007
12:49 PM EDT
RMS reminds people that principles matter. The fact that he sticks to his principles, and never compromises those principles, is a laudable thing. Few people in this world of pragmatic politicians have ever met anyone like that.

I only disagree with him on his position that it is somehow wrong for me to decide to buy/release a program that is "closed".

He is absolutely correct that it is less efficient, but I object to being dictated to.

That's one of my principles. I _always_ object to being dictated to.

Jan 29, 2007
12:52 PM EDT
Loved the comment on combining GNU and Linux ;-)

Jan 29, 2007
1:11 PM EDT
Well bob r, I don't see how RMS is dictating to you. He never says "you should do this." He says "I believe this is what is right." You wanna see dictatin' to, go run Vista!

Incidentally, the official retail release of Vista was today. Some stores opened early. There were screaming mobs lining up to buy Vista. No wait, there weren't either. :)

Jan 29, 2007
1:32 PM EDT
> He never says "you should do this."

No, he just 'implies' in strongest terms that you're an immoral, unethical SOB who apparently supports slavery if you don't...

Jan 29, 2007
1:56 PM EDT
My opinion, and only my opinion:

Richard is doing exactly what he's supposed to do. Obstreperous, dogmatic, maybe even monomaniacal, still he's a public figure with a well-defined posture, and he won't go away even when he's inconvenient. He announced his position with his GNU project and manifesto in 1984 and he hasn't wavered since.

Linus is also doing exactly what he's supposed to do. He has a farsighted pragmatism even as he's seeing to the minutiae of overseeing the development of his vision of the best possible kernel for a freedom-based operating system. He's the "shut up and show us the code" guy; the fact that he gets along well with the suits means (aside from grooming issues) they can understand his pragmatism.

There are others on this stage, of course, but these two represent the current main poles of the debate. Between them, they have persistently kept the issues of licensing and freedom in the forefront of the F/LOSS movement, to the point where sites like the Register/Inquirer are reporting on GPL violations just as if it matters (because it does), and major corporations find advantages to using GPL'd software in their day-to-day practice, which means that they know what the GPL means. If either of these two hardheaded individuals took a softer public stance, I don't think the F/LOSS paradigm would be near as well established and understood as it is today. I think it's their dichotomy of thought which keeps the topic fresh in the public eye and gains it incremental mindshare by constant exposure.

Feb 06, 2007
10:35 AM EDT
I found the article pretty much fair except for one thing:

Who cares how shabby RMS is?

He is a spokesman for the FSF, the organization he founded for the purposes he has in mind.

He is not an evangelist. Evangelism is about spreading the word and winning converts. I don't believe RMS wins converts so much as gather up the flock.

That's ok. There are evangelists galore, many with different takes and concerns, equipped to resonate with people who will turn away from shabby ol' Richard.

Stallman is a compass. He may not always point in the direction you want to go, but he is always pointing in the same direction. If you want to know the "one true pure free" software perspective on an issue, check what RMS thinks and position yourself accordingly.


Feb 06, 2007
10:38 AM EDT
What Dino said... But then you all expected that :D

Feb 06, 2007
10:45 AM EDT
Oh great, now we have Dino and Mini-Dino.

Feb 06, 2007
11:01 AM EDT
Well tuxchick, at least I don't see it becoming the Dino cult ;-)

Feb 06, 2007
11:01 AM EDT
HEY ... I want to be Mini-Dino ...

Feb 06, 2007
11:02 AM EDT
Humm... maybe I was wrong :D

Feb 06, 2007
11:11 AM EDT
aieee, a Dino herd. Hmm, I guess I could be the dino-herder... now where is that prod.... probably need the 240 volt stick...


Feb 06, 2007
11:21 AM EDT
Cattle prod? Did someone say, "Cattle prod?"

Me first! Me first!

waitaminute -- that was "Cattle prod," not "Saddle mod" -- nevermind.

Feb 06, 2007
11:46 AM EDT
> now where is that prod...

I suspected you had a few of those around ;-)

Feb 06, 2007
11:59 AM EDT
Riding crops, yes. Cattle prods, no.

Feb 06, 2007
2:00 PM EDT
pshaw, do you really believe a mere riding crop will have any effect on these here wild LXer critters?

Feb 06, 2007
2:11 PM EDT
> aieee, a Dino herd. Hmm, I guess I could be the dino-herder... now where is that prod.... probably need the 240 volt stick...

Sounds too much like Barney to me. Never mind the 240V stick, use C-4.

Feb 06, 2007
4:09 PM EDT
Oh my...

Did I forget to turn down my incredible magnetic charisma again?

That's so irresponsible of me.

Please, children, I'm just another man.

Well, not quite just another man, but just another spectacular man.

So please, while it is hard to keep from idolizing and wishing you could be me, please try. At least a little.


Feb 06, 2007
5:33 PM EDT
TC: I was going to fly out to Chicago with my cattle prod, but I remembered what my Pa told me about the FAA guidelines saying you couldn't take your cattle prod on the airplane with you. Sorry, but I always take my cattle prod, and if I can't take it on the plane, how do they expect me to keep my herd simmered down during the flight?

Well, back to my point, since I can't take it on the plane, I'll have to drive, but I just don't feel like driving that far today. The batmobile is in the shop again...

Feb 06, 2007
6:11 PM EDT
Between throwing up at dino's last post, and laughing at the others, I'm not fit to be around people right now.

Feb 06, 2007
7:31 PM EDT
>Between throwing up at dino's last post

You see? To idolize me is to have your digestive system cleared at the same time you implement an effective (if unpleasant) weight loss regimen.

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