LXer Should Acquire Internet

Story: Why Microsoft Should Acquire LinuxTotal Replies: 7
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Feb 26, 2007
9:46 AM EDT
.. and yes, I mean the whole thing. That's got to be one of the funnier headlines I've seen today, keep up the good work guys :).

Feb 26, 2007
9:53 AM EDT
I didn't realize that Rob Enderle had a brother. Or maybe Gundeep is his pen name?

Feb 26, 2007
12:44 PM EDT
Inhibit: We'll remember that one for in April.

Gundeep is probably the other 50% of the Anderle 'Group'.

Feb 26, 2007
12:57 PM EDT
Shhh... Bob and I have been hatching out how we could do just that! Shhh... BIG corporate secrets and all that. Don't tell ANYONE.

What a hoot! Please tell me this article was a good piece of satire, right?

Feb 26, 2007
1:11 PM EDT
Actually Tux and I had lunch the other day. He is planning a hostile takeover of Microsoft.

He has obtained the rights to all of the mineral wealth under the continent of Antartica, and will leverage those rights to buy Microsoft. He should have several hundred trillions of dollars left over to take over all of the other members of the BSA as well.

Either that or he want to buy a lot of herring, I can only understand about half of what he says.

Feb 26, 2007
1:40 PM EDT
Quoting:Don't tell ANYONE

Indeed, don't tell anyone! It's our trade secret, we are going to patent that plan, and therefore, it belongs to LXer's IP, to which we feel obliged to or not so existing shareholders to defend it, I mean, to get the economical benefit out of it our investors earn.

Quoting:all of the other members of the BSA as well
Whoa, the BSA has got members beyond Microsoft? And I was just believing Microsoft made the BSA to mean "Bull-Sh*t-Acronym".

Feb 26, 2007
1:52 PM EDT
Just to chip in having read the story and think I get his drift try this. Microsoft pays Linus $1 billion to never code on an operating system again. Then dishes out $0.5 billion to 20 similar top kernel hackers. Then say £10 million each to another 900. That's about the amount I understand they paid to develop Vista.

Hell they could even give them the task of writing the Vista replacement. To me that would qualify under the author's suggestion as buying Linux. Once they have the main 1000 developers working for them or not allowed to work against them they could be considered to own Linux and choose it's direction.

Feb 26, 2007
2:03 PM EDT
>Either that or he want to buy a lot of herring, I can only understand about half of what he says.

Buying Microsoft, and buying a red herring, ought not be too dissimilar.

Anyway, odd place to catch a Three Dog Night quote/paraphrase.


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