Firefox Extensions I Won't Avoid Using

Story: Top 10 Firefox extensions to avoidTotal Replies: 3
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Apr 11, 2007
1:34 AM EDT
So long as government and advertisers continue to harvest my information without my consent, I will continue to make extensions such as Adblock Plus, NoScript and TrackMeNot, priority extensions in Firefox. Likewise, I will continue to recommend them for my customers.

Certainly they are not "cure-alls" and call it paranoid if you like, but whatever measures I can take to protect my privacy and to block advertisers from unwelcome intrusions, I shall continue to use.

Apr 11, 2007
10:50 AM EDT
I don't see the use of TrackMeNot. Simply don't accept coockies (not even session cookies) from Google et. al. and they can't track you anymore. Well, technically they still could but their current systems are all about the (session) cookies.

Apr 11, 2007
11:16 AM EDT
Personally, I use Scroogle Scraper, rather than Google, since Scroogle and a couple of others do not maintain the history of searches Google and others do. I suppose my bull headed attitude regarding those search engines who do keep history is that I am merely doing my part to see that they have a bit extra. You could call it a "protest," I suppose.

Apr 11, 2007
1:39 PM EDT
I use Adblock Plus, Noscript, and turn off persistent cookies. I don't care if they track my usage and target ads at me, I don't see 99% of ads, so as far as I'm concerned it's their money, they can spend it targeting me with ads I'll never see.

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