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Story: Learn the essential modes and editing features of EmacsTotal Replies: 7
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Apr 16, 2007
12:14 PM EDT
Everyone knows that VI is much much better.

Apr 16, 2007
1:10 PM EDT
Pah. Vigor is #1. It starts out with an unreadable EULA, then gives helpful contextual advice like "don't cry, it won't help" and "If you want to cancel, you need to upgrade to the server version of Vigor." Truly the champion productivity tool of all time.


Apr 16, 2007
2:11 PM EDT
Wait just a cotton-pickin' minute! Isn't "EMACS" supposed to be "modeless"? Isn't that it's nominal advantage?

Vim rules.

Apr 16, 2007
2:19 PM EDT
Talk about l33t pretensions ;-)

Apr 16, 2007
3:28 PM EDT
ed ?

Apr 16, 2007
4:36 PM EDT
Nahhh!! You guys are all wet! Vi use Vi?

I much prefer emacs over vi because it is modeless. I also like the transposition feature and the yanks. I learned emacs from having used Perfect Writer on the Kaypro II. The keystrokes are exactly the same. Vi is counter intuitive to me after that. I want to go C-X C-S to save. Guess what happens if I do that in Vi/m!

I suspect the author is talking about the different language "modes" -- not insert and command modes.

Don K.

PS. I'm using eclipse for most of my programming now. It rocks.

Apr 16, 2007
6:34 PM EDT
Alright, a emacs/vi flame war to go with the Gnome/KDE one. Just like being back on Usenet. :)

Apr 16, 2007
6:58 PM EDT
A friend of mine uses emacs for his IRC client.

He was using it at a company I was consulting for on a Sun E10k and they asked him to stop... apparently it is smart enough to grab all the resources it can which is not always a good thing on a big box. All that Lisp / AI stuff, maybe Skynet and the Terminators will all run emacs.

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