Suggestion to Dell

Story: Dell Listens to GNU/Linux Community - Will It Pay Off?Total Replies: 12
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May 11, 2007
1:23 PM EDT
I went to the Dell site and chose the Inspiron 1501 and clicked on Tech Specs. BTW, the bottom half of the page is garbled when viewed with Firefox. To be brief, I couldn't tell what chipset it uses for ethernet. Same deal with wireless. It uses a Dell Wireless 1390. Should I know what that is? I downloaded the owner's manual and service manual but I didn't see any specs.

I don't want to spend the afternoon figuring out if I can run linux on this thing. If people inside Dell are using linux, shouldn't they already get this? (Just get a Knoppix disc and run lspci. Post the results and I'm good to go.)

Sorry to be negative, but I don't get what's so difficult about this.

May 11, 2007
1:45 PM EDT
Hey, that's a great idea, the output of lspci. I strongly second that. Have you submitted this to Dell?

(OTOH, check out the "Wireless Headache" thread for some reasons they may want to keep secret what is Dell Wireless 1390.)

May 11, 2007
1:50 PM EDT
I would have thought that at least one of their linux-loving employees would say, "But boss, we could sell to linux users right now if we'd only tell them what we're selling."

May 11, 2007
2:24 PM EDT
To jrm: try it in konqueror. Also there's a "Click for large text" at the bottom of the page.

May 11, 2007
2:51 PM EDT
> I would have thought that at least one of their linux-loving employees would say, "But boss, we could sell to linux users right now if we'd only tell them what we're selling."

I bet they have. I bet they also face some of the same challenges as GNU/Linux evangelists in other companies. This kind of thing will take time - Dell is a pretty big place. But your point is dead on. Dell really needs to let us know what will and won't work.

May 11, 2007
3:31 PM EDT
In the real world, I agree with you. But theoretically, they could adjust overnight. The cost of doing so would be negligible. I can think of no economic reason not to do this... unless one software supplier has a near monopoly, or we don't really have free markets.

May 11, 2007
3:33 PM EDT
I'll check, but I'm pretty sure the Dell 1390 is a Broadcom chipset.

Checking..... Yep. The various fora on the net say it's a Broadcom 43xx chipset.

May 11, 2007
3:46 PM EDT
JRM: I agree with your point. I'm just suggesting that perhaps the Linux insiders haven't been able to convince the upper echelons of that fact, and that it will take time to do so. Imo, that should happen something like last night - the website should be updated immediately, but that's just my opinion. Hopefully, that will change soon.

May 11, 2007
5:56 PM EDT
"But boss, we could sell to linux users right now if we'd only tell them what we're selling."

Hear hear!!


May 11, 2007
6:19 PM EDT
dcparis: > just my opinion. Hopefully, that will change soon.

For Pete's sake why do you HOPE your capitol opinione will change soon??

May 11, 2007
6:41 PM EDT
Gotta admit, you got me there. :-D

May 11, 2007
8:30 PM EDT
dcparris... the difference between us is that you see the best in people whereas I am a total cynic. (I envy you.) I think that Dell knows how to sell us computers. I think they don't want to. It's not a conspiracy theory, I just can't think of any economic reason for Dell not to cherry pick from the existing linux user base. Heck, we don't even want tech support.

jdixon... thanks for the help, but i was just using that model as an example to show how unfriendly Dell really is. When I want a new computer I just wander over to Best Buy with a Knoppix CD and find something nice that someone returned. Then I buy it at half price and throw Slackware on it.

I'd be happy if I could just buy a computer without the salesperson sneering at me if I use the "L" word.

May 11, 2007
8:43 PM EDT
> I'd be happy if I could just buy a computer without the salesperson sneering at me if I use the "L" word.

I'll go along with that.

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