There's even a quote from Gandhi himself

Story: Microsoft's reignites its war on LinuxTotal Replies: 8
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May 15, 2007
10:06 AM EDT
Quoting:First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win

Bully Ballmer trying to raise the fight up a notch or two?

May 15, 2007
11:50 AM EDT
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then ... Dachau.

Ghandi's quote works well when you consider the frame of reference in which it was made. His passive resistance movement had something like a 10000:1 advantage over the foreign government that was devastating his country.

In this conflict "we" do not have the luxury of superior numbers, Sun Tzu is much more applicable here than Ghandi.

May 15, 2007
12:58 PM EDT
Numbers? Did anyone say numbers? We do have the numbers and they're growing every day. If you look at almost any site that has comments, it's like playing wack-a-mole with the Microsofties. Whenever one pops up, he gets hammered by a dozen comments. The only sites you won't see this on are the strictly Microsoft sites. Why is this? Because although 90% of computers run Windows, most of those users are none techies. Of the techies, we hold a majority. Either that or the Microsoft techies are too busy fixing their Windows installations.

May 15, 2007
1:09 PM EDT
> ...over the foreign government that was devastating his country.

I'd call that a mischaracterization (hmm, Firefox doesn't recognize the word, oh well) of Britain's rule over India. There is no doubt India should have been given it's independence, but saying Britain was "devastating" the country is probably not accurate.

May 15, 2007
2:20 PM EDT
>There is no doubt India should have been given it's independence, but saying Britain was "devastating" the country is probably not accurate.

Well...the potential was there. Had the Empire gone on another century, I'm sure British cuisine would have spread throughout the world. Talk about devastating!

May 15, 2007
4:34 PM EDT
> ...British cuisine would have spread throughout the world. Talk about devastating!

So I take it you're not a big fan of fish and chips. However, in general, I agree.

Fortunately, most of the transfer seems to have gone the other way. I understand curry is extremely popular in Britain.

May 15, 2007
5:28 PM EDT
Oh 'struth! Don't you blokes know anything about Cornish Pasties? How the world revolves on its axis without them is known only to the Queen!

May 15, 2007
5:32 PM EDT
Quoting:How the world revolves on its axis without them is known only to the Queen!

Which Queen? I know several in Sydney.

May 15, 2007
7:50 PM EDT
> Cornish Pasties dcparris: There is a capitol thought! Many of us however rather enjoy our quick bite o' scone or cake during afternoon tea at 16:00. This 16:00 tea is not limited at all to GMT by the way.

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