zdnet bloggers are dimwits

Story: Dell, Ubuntu and the driver detailsTotal Replies: 3
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May 23, 2007
7:10 PM EDT
This is one of the boneheadest posts I've read in a while.

For one thing, he writes "Here’s the definition of drivers for me: A lost weekend screwing around with software when I should be outside."

What the @#$% does that mean? First, if they use hardware with open drivers, it JUST WORKS, better than Windows (believe me, I've been using Vista). Additionally, YOU DON'T INSTALL ANY DRIVERS BECAUSE THEY'RE ALREADY INSTALLED. You might have other hardware or software to install, but what does that have to do with Dell selling hardware? They must have an IQ ceiling of 75 to be a zdnet blogger.

May 23, 2007
7:22 PM EDT
Wait till you see my article tomorrow. I'll be addressing another ZDNet blog post.

May 23, 2007
9:45 PM EDT
>Wait till you see my article tomorrow. I'll be addressing another ZDNet blog post.

I'm glad it's you because if I did it you'd have to take out every other sentence for "crude" language. No, it's best that a gentleman responds to their propaganda. Thank you ahead of time.

May 23, 2007
10:53 PM EDT
It's up now - see the features box.

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