How can capture packets from a LAN using C/C++ with operatio

Story: Programming the SPU in C/C++Total Replies: 1
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May 23, 2007
11:28 PM EDT
Hi all,

I need a C/C++ program by which I can show the following parameters:

1. How much traffic is transferred within a LAN. 2. What types of traffic is transferred within a LAN. 3. How much traffic is generated within a LAN and from which system. 4. How much traffic and which system or application is causing bottleneck. 5. How high is peak traffic and when does it peak.

N.B.: Operating System-- Mandriva or Mandrak

If you have any information please inform me.Please post the mail by email "".


May 24, 2007
12:05 AM EDT
I don't know the languages involved, but there are quite a few programs out there. If you are using Mandriva, traceyanne is probably your best helper. I suggest looking through the software management utility included with Mandriva - you should see a listing of all the software that distro includes, along with (in some cases) what language it's written in. And I highly recommend you edit your e-mail address to not be so easy to copy.

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