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Story: Why Is Dell Hiding Their Ubuntu Boxes?Total Replies: 2
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May 25, 2007
6:06 PM EDT
"Dell spokesperson, John Pope, said that getting the Ubuntu offerings on the front page would be difficult."

I assume that means that Dell doesn't have anyone - at all - that can code a web page change for them. That's so sad. The good news is that there are thousands of available web developers that could make the change (in about 5 minutes) for them.

So Dell, all you have to do is ask; we'll be happy to fix your "difficult" problem.

May 25, 2007
6:32 PM EDT
>>That's so sad.

You should see the intranet pages. Oh man.

>>(in about 5 minutes)

You should see the paperwork.

A favorite anecdote: Clicked on an external link from inside Dell. Obviously in error, as the Dell caller pointed out from outside. Clicked and e-mailed webmaster. Response: Call internal Help Desk if you're having difficulty using your web browser.

Stuff like that *immediately* makes you give up trying.

May 25, 2007
8:47 PM EDT
Macemoneta: The problem is Dell's marketing folks wanting to give up real estate on the home page for something like this. That said, I can live with the Ubuntu flash ad. I think that's pretty fitting. At least they *are* advertising this. :-) My guess is that they are trying to minimize how much they make available on the home page - wanting to pull you into their site. I get that.

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