Not in Canada, eh. Pity.

Story: Joost on Linux: it's difficult, but possibleTotal Replies: 2
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May 29, 2007
6:47 AM EDT
Hmm . . . wonder if anyone will catch the reference of that subject line. Could be giving away my age here. Anyhow, I called Dell Canada this morning to ask about buying a PC with Ubuntu Linux from my Canadian Dell rep. The sales guy told me that, no, I can't have one . . . "not yet," he said. While not offering any concrete dates and times, he did ask me to check with them again in "two or three weeks". A hint of things to come or a desperate plea to not buy my PC elsewhere?

Note to editor. Not sure how this happened, but it was supposed to be a reply to the "Dell PCs only in US" story.

May 29, 2007
6:58 AM EDT
Dell has said about a million times that they are starting out with US sales only, including several posts here on LXer. They're looking at expanding into other markets over time.

May 29, 2007
7:08 AM EDT
> they are starting out with US sales only,

I know it must be frustrating to potential non-US customers, but it really is pretty normal for big companies to start out with an offering and get the kinks worked out before expanding it.

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