Direct download

Story: Eben Moglen: GPLv3 not about MS and NovellTotal Replies: 2
Author Content

May 30, 2007
7:26 AM EDT
While I appreciate that offers an ogg stream it isn't doing much good for us who don't have a decent enough connection to do direct streaming of videos and seems to be using this "" script which effectively obfuscates the actual location of the video file leaving no other choice but to stream directly.

Why are they afraid of offering a direct download so I can download and then watch it properly? RedHat site has videos and they offer a direct ogg download. Why can't

This is even worse than YouTube. At least I can get YouTube videos using youtube-dl script or, but I've got no such option with :

Am I alone with this issue? Is really everyone in the world buzzing on 1Mbit connections or something? Oh lucky you. Damn I hate when sites just assume everyone has incredibly fast connections. It makes us who aren't so lucky feel like we don't exist.

May 30, 2007
8:02 AM EDT
Quoting:Am I alone with this issue?

Yup ;-) uses the for *any* binary data. Just right click on the video in the article. Hit "save link as" and name the file something.ogg. It will download at the maximum rate (not the rate at which the video plays) and save like any normal file.

May 30, 2007
8:14 AM EDT
Oh darn it I knew there had to be some trick. Thanks a lot man. :)

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