Windows vs Linux Study, funded by MS

Story: Windows has 'fewer flaws' than LinuxTotal Replies: 3
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Aug 20, 2007
10:25 AM EDT
Oh please! Soon there will be another study funded by MS or its partners which compares Windows XP/Vista to SLED/RHEL/other in benchmark performance. Naturally, the company running the benchmark tests will make sure to tweak its report so that Windows comes out just ahead of Linux every time! It really gets tiring to hear that scratched CD play the same rift over-and-over again. :eyes roll:

Aug 20, 2007
10:38 AM EDT
And of course they didn't bother to mention the severity of the flaws being patched. There's a big difference between a flaw that leaves your comp open to root access and a flaw that might make your browser crash.

And I think we can be pretty sure which type most of the windows patches addressed...

Aug 20, 2007
11:54 AM EDT
Yup, the ones you wouldnt notice even if you knew they were there. The BIG holes are saved up to be patched in the SPs.

Aug 20, 2007
2:51 PM EDT
Quoting:Naturally, the company running the benchmark tests will make sure to tweak its report so that Windows comes out just ahead of Linux every time!

Well, that's demanded by Vista (or was it MS Office?) EULA: In case of benchmarks, Microsoft may optimize it's products, and has to approve the benchmark before being publicized (or something along that lines). Really, not kidding here!

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