oh noes, an error

Story: Review: Krazy Kubuntu AnnoyancesTotal Replies: 3
Author Content

Feb 14, 2008
3:37 PM EDT
Actually you can have two interfaces on a single PC with addresses on the same subnet. Dangit. Too soon old, too late smart. So whatever NetworkManager did to hose my connection, it wasn't that.

Feb 14, 2008
3:59 PM EDT
But you did hit on the reason we left Ubuntu, it breaks things. Ubuntu upgrades break things.

At our house it seemed like every new release was harder to get set up and working "perfect". I guess they don't want to scare away m$users?

Feb 14, 2008
10:06 PM EDT
I've encountered some networking problems in Gutsy also (as has a lot of other users). I replied at my blog as the comment section here is too limited as it strips out most everything: http://jhansonxi.blogspot.com/2008/02/re-krazy-kubuntu-annoy...

Feb 15, 2008
10:00 AM EDT
Not that I haven't had trouble with Ubuntu 7.10 and 7.04, but I'm probably going to line up with the rest of y'all to try 8.04.

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