I love e-mail!

Story: Instant Messaging for Introverts, or Rude is Plain Old RudeTotal Replies: 2
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Apr 07, 2008
2:01 PM EDT
Quoting:“This is why I love email as a mode of communication. I get many dozens of messages every day, but I can answer them whenever I want.”

Me three. We use IM at work but I've trained people not to use it unless it's urgent. Same thing with the phone. My response always is "Is it urgent? No? Send it by e-mail". And I have also told all my coworkers that I read e-mail only three times a day: In the morning when I come in, right before or after my lunch break and about half an hour before I go home. I love it for the same reason you and Joe Kissell love it: I will answer you when it suits me, not when it suits you.

Heh, I even make coworkers who show up at my desk wait until I am finished with something before I let them speak :-)

Apr 07, 2008
2:48 PM EDT
Quoting: Heh, I even make coworkers who show up at my desk wait until I am finished with something before I let them speak :-)

LOL! Do you speak in the third person, too? "We are ready to hear you now, and we grant you thirty seconds."

The worst thing about working in an office is fending off the wandering lonesome souls who have nothing to do. They're like little planetoids in lost orbits, seeking kind souls to latch on to and suck the life out of.

Apr 07, 2008
3:01 PM EDT
Quoting:LOL! Do you speak in the third person, too?

Hehe, no :-) And I don't make them wait too long. That would be rude. Just enough time to finish up whatever I'm going at the moment (finising up an e-mail, completing that block of code, etcetera). But I don't make exceptions. I even make by boss wait if I'm in the middle of something. If I don't I will simply loose my train of thought and be disoriented when I get back to it. That usually leads to buggy code.

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