The future of the standalone operating system...

Story: Novell: 'The Standalone OS is Dead'Total Replies: 2
Author Content

Apr 17, 2008
1:47 PM EDT
Did you ever notice that the Linux vendors who make these kinds of predictions are the ones that stand to profit the most from the scenario?


Apr 17, 2008
3:44 PM EDT
It's a fairytale anyway. I can see appliance-like server OS images becoming popular in small businesses. Point&click install and a no-brainer to maintain. But as soon as you start to grow you can profit a lot from doing it yourself.

And really, how much work is it? Modern package management and tools like Debian's tasksel make it dead easy to install a LAMP server, file server, mail server or many other kinds of servers. Two clicks (or one CLI command) to turn a default box into a basic server and after that you can tweak at your hearts content.

Apr 17, 2008
3:56 PM EDT
haha garymax, just like the secuarity vendors who release regular scary "Linux can get viruses too!" stories. Ooo I am so scared.

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