slow news day?

Story: Interop : Open Source Panel Heckled and Walked Out OnTotal Replies: 3
Author Content

Apr 30, 2008
8:14 PM EDT
The writer reported that some crank in the crowd shouted some nonsense and left. (scratches head) what exactly is the news here?

Then he laments the fact that microsoft wasn't a part of the panel.

Weirder and weirder....

May 01, 2008
7:37 AM EDT
Heh, it is kind of an odd post. Sean Kerner is usually pretty good. Maybe his boss ordered him to start "doing a blog!" and he's already way busy and doesn't really want to. So there it is.

May 01, 2008
9:58 AM EDT
The problem is he seems to think it's fine to ignore risk just because those on the panel were business types with vested interests. That is a poor excuse to avoid one of the themes in the panel topic. Why include it if there is not intention to discuss it seriously?

Citing MS is a diversion that brings no clarity. Moreover, I had expected that the conferee had said much more from the summary. The chair inviting the conferee to exit as the first response in what I take as a sarcastic tone is bewildering. I think the way that person left was more polite than I might have been under the same circumstances.

May 01, 2008
1:14 PM EDT
> The chair inviting the conferee to exit as the first response in what I take as a sarcastic tone is bewildering.

He apparently knew how to handle a heckler...

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