I love this.

Story: OOXML expert: ODF flaws remainTotal Replies: 8
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May 07, 2008
4:53 AM EDT
I've always been kind of take it or leave it WRT OOXML. Didn't care if it lived or died.

Now I think I'm glad it passed, if only to get ODF folks in a dander and defending their work.

Lost in all the noise is a concession by Weir that Brown's suggestions would actually improve the ODF schema and make validation easier.

That is what competition does. I wonder where HTML would be today if the browser-wars hadn't kicked it up a few very big notches?

May 07, 2008
7:30 AM EDT
> I wonder where HTML would be today if the browser-wars hadn't kicked it up a few very big notches?

Simple. Readable. Fewer layers. Less "feature bloat".

That's not to say I don't agree with you.

May 07, 2008
12:12 PM EDT
Bob -

Nobody ever said that competition necessarily produces the best solution, but it does mean wants/needs/gee whiz, ain't that cools get served up.

And let us never forget that one man's feature bloat is another's won't do crap.

May 07, 2008
12:40 PM EDT
> one man's feature bloat is another's won't do crap.

Actually, I consider feature bloat to be "won't do" crap. :^)

Specifically, what I meant was having to change how things are done every time Microsoft comes out with a new and "improved" set of extensions to HTML.

May 07, 2008
3:01 PM EDT
Bob -

Be fair -- Netscape came out with a lot of new and improved extensions as well.

May 08, 2008
4:10 AM EDT
> Be fair...

What, is this a peer-reviewed journal now?

Microsoft is causing Global Warming! Bill Gates is the reincarnation of Shiva!

May 08, 2008
6:46 AM EDT
Bob -

>Microsoft is causing Global Warming! Bill Gates is the reincarnation of Shiva!

Old news.

More recently:

Bill Gates impersonates Jason Castro on American Idol because songs are software too, and he wanted to sing some "really great software". After losing data to a glitch during "Mr. Tambourine, "Castro" gets the Blue Screen of Death and is re-booted homeward.

May 08, 2008
7:31 AM EDT
> Jason Castro

Isn't he president of Cuba now?

May 08, 2008
9:29 AM EDT
>Isn't he president of Cuba now?

Well, now that he's off Idol...

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