Exherbo sounds like YIND (Yet Another Niche Distro).

Story: Announcing Exherbo!Total Replies: 2
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May 20, 2008
1:52 AM EDT
Reading their anouncement, in which it becomes very clear they haven't even reached alpha stage yet and the project is practically and ideologically far from ready to get outsiders looking at Exherbo, I wondered why is this news?

I shouldn't be picking on a fledgling addition to the distro universe, but I still don't know why I should get exited about an Open Source distro with a self announced "proprietary" development style. * we keep the developer team small on purpose - there's much less bullshit this way and we can all agree on the direction needed for Exherbo.

Plus, they cant even use a user base right now. Just don't expect anything to work (seriously!). Ongoing development is pretty fast and we're still at a stage where we happily break everything without second thoughts to installed Exherbo systems or users.

After I finished reading the announcement, my first thought was "Call again when they breach the top 20 list at Distrowatch."

May 20, 2008
2:08 AM EDT
Quoting: Just don't expect anything to work (seriously!). Ongoing development is pretty fast and we're still at a stage where we happily break everything without second thoughts to installed Exherbo systems or users.

Sounds like Ulteo.

May 20, 2008
1:01 PM EDT
Well, the Ulteo online desktop is a nice idea. A KDE desktop via VNC and 1000 meg storage space that you can log into from pretty much anywhere with a good net connection.

Neat idea, but VNC isnt really the way to go I think.

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