too expensive, too hard

Story: Sundown On Solaris?Total Replies: 10
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Sep 27, 2008
11:56 PM EDT
IANAUG- I am not a Unix geek. This is what I hear from my chums who are ace Unix wizards. The oldtime commercial Unixes have two major roadblocks: cost, and they're PITAs to install and administer. They're still considered the prime choices for high-traffic high-demand sites, where you need ultimate reliability and brawn. Otherwise, meh. And there is always the excellent FreeBSD for folks who want a real Unix that can handle the big jobs.

There was a thread here recently where some LXerers tried the latest, much-hyped OpenSolaris release, and couldn't even get the derned thing to install.

As the article says:

Quoting: If there is one central reason why Linux has done such a great job of eating Solaris's lunch, dinner, dessert, and midnight snacks, it can be summed up in a single word: agility. Drop Linux most anywhere and it lands on its feet, thanks to all of the different implementations that allow the kernel to be used in everything from embedded devices to clusters.

And all the commercial Unixes, not just Solaris.

Sep 28, 2008
1:15 AM EDT
Quoting: They're still considered the prime choices for high-traffic high-demand sites, where you need ultimate reliability and brawn. Otherwise, meh. And there is always the excellent FreeBSD for folks who want a real Unix that can handle the big jobs.
Solaris and FreeBSD are considered the "prime choices" by solaris and fbsd fanboys.. I've used both solaris and fbsd in the server role, and they are fine, but I prefer to use linux.

I've got about a dozen linux servers (suse enterprise 9) that have been up for about 770 days now - and these are busy production boxes, getting hammered 24x7 from the internet. I really don't see how solaris or fbsd could do any better.

Sep 28, 2008
8:23 AM EDT
Sun should just develop its own Linux, and it could out-Red Hat Red Hat...that is, supply a Linux distribution for free with optional paid support, AND sell the hardware and warranty to run it on. That could be a $$ business model, I think.

Sep 28, 2008
10:05 AM EDT

Never fly! It would cut into the cash flow on the Solaris sales. It's so obvious, why did you not see it? What kind of business(person) would you be?

You would never fit into the culture. You would do better as a fly-in CEO that attempts to save a failing companies (mostly when it is too late). Therefore, until you are called keep your unappreciated advice to yourself.


Your buddy Txt.

Sep 28, 2008
10:48 AM EDT
I hope you forgot sarcasm tags.

Sep 28, 2008
11:36 AM EDT
I think it's safe to assume sarc tags in this case.

Especially since, for all intents and purposes, Solaris is a free (beer) download.

Sep 28, 2008
11:41 AM EDT
Never use them, but rest assured unless I say serious they are certainly there!

[Start serious] I was wondering if you would miss them, when Implicitly so much I said pertaining to you was complimentary. [/End serious]*

Your buddy Txt.

P.S. Don't you hate those smiley faces?

* Sorry for the square brackets, but unpredictably the codes for the angled brackets are reduced to the character values and the meaning is lost.

Sep 29, 2008
6:50 PM EDT
Use ampersand gt semicolon etc. Result: >

Sep 29, 2008
7:18 PM EDT
I know the codes and I use them routinely, however, once viewed they are converted to symbols both in the result and the message editor. [I have seen them remain in the editor, but not recently.]

Sep 29, 2008
8:17 PM EDT

Sep 30, 2008
1:45 AM EDT
Quoting:once viewed they are converted to symbols both in the result and the message editor.

A know bug. Very annoying, I agree.

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