Voice recognition

Story: Keyboards Must DieTotal Replies: 4
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Oct 02, 2008
11:16 AM EDT
Quoting:Imagine the sounds of peaceful typing being replaced by more torrents of mindless blather. There will be no peace, and then normal people will go insane and start slapping the daylights out of them.

Ok so maybe that's not a negative.

Good one, TC.

Oct 02, 2008
11:39 AM EDT
Yeah. We need mobiles that work on mind control, not voice control.

Oct 02, 2008
12:25 PM EDT
sander, that works for people with disciplined thoughts. I'm always thinking things like "well I'll be dipped!" So I'll have to pass on the mind control. :)

Oct 02, 2008
12:40 PM EDT
This "we need to talk to our computers" meme has been going around for at least a decade, if not longer, and I still think it's insane, primarily for the reason given in the last paragraph of the article. Plus, consider having some jerk next to you yelling "delete!" (as I remember a Dilbert(tm) comic portraying once).

That said, I'd still like to find some FOSS voice-recognition software that isn't obnoxiously difficult to set up (I'm looking at you, CMU Sphinx....)

Oct 02, 2008
1:21 PM EDT
DrDubious: You mean http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/20.24.html#subj6 ? :-)

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