Name my business(!)

Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 13
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Nov 25, 2008
12:52 PM EDT
Hmm.. I seem to be having quite a few threads aksing for naming suggestions for various projects of mine. Mere's another one biut it's a bit more challenging: Name my business :-)

Long story short, I will be starting my own FOSS-based business on January 1 (well, January 5 really). Due to historic reasons the real company name will remain the "Lone Wolves Foundation" with it's website at but both that name and that URL are not really suitable to market.

What I want to do instead is creating a "label" with it's own unique website (and domain name). Its that label that I will be taking to the market. I have been trying to come up with a name all week but I can't think of anything decent. I want a name that makes it reasonably clear what I do, is somehow connected to FOSS and doesn't accidentally mean "schlong" in Chineese or something

Yeah, laugh. The CEOs at my former company wanted to rename the company after a merger and almost did exactly that. And to boot, they were on the verge of opening a sattelite location in China. :-)

Here are the services I will be offering:

* Create and/or maintain new FOSS projects for companies and organisations. There are organisations that would really like cetain FOSS projects to happen. Either because they care about the community or because they have an itch to scratch but cannot find a FOSS product to scratch it with. I will be setting up and maintaining FOSS projects for them. Yes, this sounds like a fairytale. Still, I already have a bunch of things lined up.

* General consultancy about FOSS. I would like to give presentations and/or workshops at companies who are curious about FOSS but don't know what it is, how to use it, or why it can be an asset to their company.

* FOSS software implementations. This can be websites built on a FOSS stack, but also full blown application implementation and consultancy such as SugarCRM roll-out, Pentaho BI implementations, etcetera. I don't want to narrow myself down here. I want to go to a client, review their needs and implement something that works for *them*, not implement something because it's something *I* know best.

Can you help me think up a name? The only half-decent one I came up with is "SourceWorks". While it looks nice when written, it's even more horrible to pronunciate than "Stichting Lone Wolves".

Nov 25, 2008
12:58 PM EDT
You could call it SOSS (pronounced sauce) for Sander's Open Source Solutions. :)

Nov 25, 2008
1:09 PM EDT
> You could call it SOSS (pronounced sauce) for Sander's Open Source Solutions. :)

SOS Solutions would probably work better. Who to call when you need help. :)

Nov 25, 2008
1:11 PM EDT
That may be true but then he wouldn't have a saucey business. :)

Nov 25, 2008
5:03 PM EDT
well you can't have Feral Penguin, I've already got that, that's what we named out campany and our business.

Just brain storming, Open Dykes has too many connotations to go into here.

Interesting "open source software" translates to "open bronsoftware" on babelfish, and if you translate "Sander_Marechal" from English to Dutch you get 'Schuurmachine Marechal"

"Stichting Lone Wolves" becomes "De Eenzame Wolven van Stichting"

"Source Works" translated to German becomes "Quellarbeiten"

"Lone Wolves" to French becomes "Seuls loups"

how about "Open Source Loops" no that sounds like some sort of music application.

goes of to play with words

Nov 25, 2008
6:28 PM EDT
Quoting:Open Dykes has too many connotations to go into here.

I seriously had to laugh out loud when I read that :-D

Nov 25, 2008
11:51 PM EDT
How about "Penguins Sauvages"?

Nah, too close to "penguin sausages".

Nov 26, 2008
9:00 AM EDT
A "schuurmachine" is indeed a sander... more directly translated, it's prolly closer to "sanding machine".

I don't think we're any closer to naming his business though. :)

Nov 26, 2008
10:11 AM EDT
> A "schuurmachine" is indeed a sander... more directly translated, it's prolly closer to "sanding machine".

The Software Sander. We smooth over software's rough spots. :)

I haven't been able to come up with anything serious, unfortunately.

Nov 26, 2008
11:51 AM EDT
How about "FOSSter Care"? (Not sure about the upper/lower case, but it does make it more obvious you're not referring to Foster Care.)

I don't know whether puns like this will be understood in non English speaking countries? I also don't know whether it's a s**t name! :D

Edit: Or Doctor Fosster - that might not be understood out of the UK at all! Made me smile to myself though.

Nov 26, 2008
1:16 PM EDT
@Sander_Marechal How about the name Untussled ? I think Untussled reminds me of Untangled which I've seen reported on here at LXer. True, it does not have FOSS right in the name itself. Yes, it does give the positive idea that you are untussling/unraveling software's rough spots as jdixon writes above. Maybe other namechoices along this line are those starting off with with "de"-prefix such as detangle, defang (related to wolves though?), detussle... yada yada yada... 2c

Nov 26, 2008
2:20 PM EDT
Quoting:I don't know whether puns like this will be understood in non English speaking countries?

Even people who doesn't speak Engilsh will get this in our country. However, Foster Parents has a bad name in my country, due to corruption etc. Otherwise the name would be really great!

There's not much I can come up with. (Free) SoftWolf maybe (I work for a company called TechSharks). Hmm, not that good.

Maybe "Het Software BevrijdingsFront" (the software liberation-front), but that sounds too much like some protest-party. Or easy to remember: SFSS, for Sander Free Software Services, but that's a bit dull maybe.

I'll think of it these days, maybe I can come up with something more decent.

Nov 26, 2008
3:06 PM EDT
Sanders Creative Outlet .. SCO for short.

oh, wait ...

Nov 27, 2008
10:46 PM EDT
Wow. I find myself really stretching.

Flat Stone Software. Because moss don't grow on a rolling stone. And MOSS = Marechal's Open Source Systems. And that's waaaaaayyyyyyy too much thinking.

I'm goin' to bed.

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