Apache in The Register headline, too!
Author | Content |
phsolide Jun 20, 2009 1:00 PM EDT |
Here it is in The Register: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/06/20/apahe_dos_flaw/ Text quite similar to the Slashdot article, albeit without the "MSFT products are not effected" phrases. Is this a case of mighty El Reg just slightly re-working a press release into an on-line article? I'd hate to think that of them, as they are an ancient and venerable site, having sent out a regular email newsletter prior to invention of http://WWW. Perhaps the shilling starts with the press release text. The contextualizing of the vulnerability might be more important than anybody ever believed. |
caitlyn Jun 20, 2009 4:39 PM EDT |
Hey, it isn't called a patchy server for nothing! I'm certain a patch will be along shortly. Compare the number and frequency of IIS vulnerabilities and how long it takes Microsoft to issue a fix with the same issues for Apache and I think Apache will come out looking quite good. |
jdixon Jun 20, 2009 4:53 PM EDT |
> I'm certain a patch will be along shortly. According to the Register article, it's a known issue with known fixes. There's nothing new about it. |
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