Story: Microsoft/Amazon Deal: Nothing to See HereTotal Replies: 3
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Feb 23, 2010
1:24 PM EDT
With a Non Disclosure Agreement there is nothing to see?

Other that the fact that M$ is still attacking Linux and open source any way it thinks it can get away with.

Feb 23, 2010
4:14 PM EDT
Though I wonder if deals like this really mean anything, other than bolstering MS' protection racket. Do they strengthen any potential patent claims?

Feb 23, 2010
4:51 PM EDT
If it's under seal, that means it can't be applied to anyone else.

And, the OSS community being what it is, any attempt to apply it to anyone in OSS outside Amazon will be met immediately with disclosure of the settlement, followed by derision and scorn.

Feb 25, 2010
12:54 PM EDT
I thought that Amazon is bound by the license provisions of its GPL'd OSS-software to reveal its GPL'd code UPON DEMAND. Am I missing something here? If Amazon REFUSES to disclose or distribute such GPL'd code, even the GPL'd code intertwined with Kindle under the NDA, then wouldn't Amazon conceivably be subject to a license violation suit?? I am also curious whether this is Micro$uck$ further efforts to quickly destroy the GPL? -fb

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