Bug in article

Story: Is Linus’ Law still valid?Total Replies: 3
Author Content

Mar 03, 2011
3:45 PM EDT
The Firefox vacuum bug is many years old. It has already been spotted by the community. Therefore, this story is interesting, but it doesn’t falsify Linus’s law. The problem is that the fixes haven’t been made / propagated. The law doesn’t speak about that aspect.

Mar 03, 2011
5:03 PM EDT
"given enough eyes, all bugs are shallow" - it's true, but maybe some bugs don't get enough eyeballs ;)

Mar 03, 2011
5:10 PM EDT
You can call it Lynch's Corollary to Linus' Law:

"As long as there are a few ears open and listening to those all those eyeballs, all bugs are shallow"

If no one is maintaining software, or the bug reports are falling on deaf ears, all the eyeballs are wasted. Its the feedback loop that counts.

Mar 04, 2011
3:09 PM EDT
The author offers a command line solution for the vacuum. For the CL challenged there is: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/vacuum-places...

If the link isn't working just Google "vacuum firefox"

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