That's been Microsoft's position for YEARS

Story: Is Microsoft trying to equate selling computers without Windows to software piracy as a new world policy? Total Replies: 3
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Mar 29, 2011
5:10 PM EDT
More than a decade ago I remember reading Bill Gates saying the same thing, that a computer sold without an OS was just someone who was going to pirate Windows.

This is not news, this is old hat.

Mar 29, 2011
6:54 PM EDT
Yeah, MS can't even innovate dirty tricks, they just keep recycling the same old ones.

Mar 29, 2011
7:02 PM EDT
At one time if you rang Dell or HP (here in Oz) yand you asked about a computer without windows the salesperson would tell you "That's illegal", now not so much, actually, I've not been told that for a few years now, mostly they tell you that's how they can't as they receive them with Windows pre installed. Since Dell build their machine to order, so that's an obvious lie.

Mar 30, 2011
1:04 AM EDT
It's not that they "receive" them that way, it's more like they were contracted to produce the entire line with M$ pre-installed... So, they pay M$ regardless. Economically, they cannot cost justify retooling the line for Linux machines.

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