
Story: Why The Linux Desktop Matters More Than Ever, This Time?Total Replies: 20
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Feb 12, 2012
8:55 AM EDT
It's a shame that Canonical sees him simply as a useful idiot. He seems to have passion....or at least undamped enthusiasms.

Feb 12, 2012
6:35 PM EDT
From the article

Quoting:Over the years and recently via direct feedback tests and bug list over launchad, canonical have gathered almost all the problems users have.

I suggest this is not true, Cannonical, and the devs who work for Canonical may believe this to be true, but the users they need to reach to really become a popular and widely used operating Sytem (and by this I mean as widely used as Mac OSX), never post reports to Launchpad, and never engage in Forums. As a consequence neither Canonical, nor any other Linux distribution has statistics on what sort of problems these users have with Linux based or any other operating System.

Apple and Microsoft might think they do, due to their use of focus groups, but I doubt even they actually understand.

Feb 13, 2012
2:52 PM EDT
@helios 'n tracyanne

Spot on! For the time being, forget about Apple's and Micro$uck's minions and look at Shuttleworth(toomuch)'s minions including this "useful idiot". It seems to me that the latter are getting nicely paid to keep drumming it into new Linux-users' heads how great Ubuntu is, d#%n whatever else other actual BONA FIDE users really use -- Distrowatch's positive linux mint ratings anyone??? The Ubuntu fanbois continue to downplay or spin away the user-based Distrowatch reviews as much as they can, and anytime a n00b is up for grabs, they almost always seem to manage to SURROUND that n00b with Unity-laced Ubuntu. "Use whatever Linux YOU want... WE all use Ubuntu... there are TONS of things 'n advantages Ubuntu has better than other operating systems .... and now HEEEERE's Ubuntu!!!!"

I actually read somewhere (maybe from tracyanne?) how a few diehard Ubuntu fanbois have foisted off Ubuntu on n00bs by the sly tactic of continually and vocally attacking the Losedows desktop UI and directly implying that THEIR Linux (Ubuntu of course) is the better option! Also, incidents of clandestinely setting up shill users on at least one Ubuntu forum. Pure blind arrogance -- and probably somehow trickling down from Shuttleworth(toomuch) hi$$elf!!


Feb 13, 2012
5:46 PM EDT
My point here is that focus groups don't work, because people either give the answers they think the group conveiner wants, and Ubuntu's information is likely highly scewed towards users of reasonable technical skill, users willing and able to get involved on the forums. Neither gives accurate information on what less skilled users want or the problems they have.


Feb 13, 2012
10:17 PM EDT
@tracyanne You are absolutely right. Ubuntu's information is likely highly scewed towards users of reasonable technical skill. This is a Linux hazard altogether. If you however build a user oriented operating system (e.g android) and market it a lot, it can penetrate a huge user base. There are tons of things Linux has better than other operating systems. If only they get the user interface right, they can actually advertise all those things. We all know even the slickest of operating system has flaws, so if Ubuntu or any other distro you like gets a user penetration, they can actually improve things that normal user think must be included. The iterative improvement only is going to come, when at one point current distros magically get it right (they never have, may be in terms of marketing) after that only they can really improve things for the ones it really matters. Linux is close to "it just works", but never get it 100% right, so many new users find it hard to adapt Linux, when they are stuck on some hardware related issues. However if Linux gives up on every hardware support kind of thing and markets Linux on Linux classified hardware, people are going to know what hardware works on Linux and what does not.

Feb 13, 2012
10:30 PM EDT
@ ubuuser, I can tell you this from my own experience. The popular desktops among non technical users tend to be the WIMP paradigm, be it Windows or Mac or Linux. Among the non technical users I deal with GNOME 2 and 3 Panel is preferred to GNOME 3 Shell and Unity, KDE 3 was very popular, as is KDE 4.

Some, those with a somewhat more open mind to technology, have tried to get used to Unity, and GNOME 3 Shell, but invariably head back to something like GNOME 2 Panel or KDE 4. Why do you think that is?

Feb 13, 2012
11:42 PM EDT
This guy whoever he is keeps talking about Linux's failure to capture the desktop and that we should all be kissing Shuttleworth's a rse.

Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong but it was never the goal of Linux to capture the desktop so I totally fail to see, this so called failure.

Its like me saying that I failed to win the gold medal at the Olympics or set a new world record at the 100m sprint, since I have never had such goals in life how have i failed? Maybe I should just settle down in a nice warm bath and get the razor out since apparently i'm a total failure based on this guys logic.

I couldn't care less if Linux is on everyones desktop or not and i suspect i'm not a minority either, its on mine and that my friends is all that matters to me and screw the Ubuntu apologists and shills.


Feb 14, 2012
7:31 AM EDT
Linus has gone on record that his mission is world domination.

Given how scared s--tless the big players are, I think he might actually have a chance.

Feb 14, 2012
10:07 AM EDT
Quoting:Linus has gone on record that his mission is world domination.
Perhaps this is not just Linus's mission anymore.

As appropriate for this particular thread:
Quoting:Never shy with his ambitions, Mark Shuttleworth still has his sights set on world domination.
(source: 'Ubuntu everywhere', linked to at LXer via


Feb 14, 2012
11:25 AM EDT
Canonical is making their play for the non-technical and consumer box user,... and dumping their established user/developer base. Fine. I hope their power play works for them,... It won't effect me that much. I'll switch to another distro. I've done it before (SuSE to Mandrake/Mandriva to Ubuntu, with a few pit stops like Fedora and Debian along the way). I wish Canonical luck, I really do. If they can bring more users over,... It helps with getting drivers, software development, etc. How neat will it be for a Smart TV user to realize that their TV can be a video game console, telephony terminal, big giant picture frame and can let their kids do their homework on it with just a few tweaks by the local hacker down the block?!?! That can only help Linux.

But Canonical has got to realize that they have a tough row to hoe. By leaving their established user in the learch, they've shot themselves in the foot and lost many of those "hackers from down the street," who could have helped their street cred.In the meanwhile, Google has the street cred with Android, and can easily spin it over to other embedded devices. Again, good luck Canonical,... .you'll NEED it.


Feb 23, 2012
12:29 PM EDT
I'm glad Canonical is going its own way with Unity. That means we get another desktop environment with developer support. I'm not using it right now, but plenty are, and everybody has ample opportunity to use something else, within and without the Ubuntu "family" of distributions.

Feb 23, 2012
1:04 PM EDT
I seem to remember another family, that someone wrote 3 books about...

"It would be a shame if something were to happen to this beautiful distro of yours."

Feb 23, 2012
1:36 PM EDT
Psst. It's 'row to hoe.'

It isn't new stuff that annoys and alienates users, it's discarding the old without a second thought for its userbase.

Feb 23, 2012
1:55 PM EDT

Thanks, I knew that,.. but once again was the victim of word prediction and fingers being faster than the brain.

All fixed now ...

Feb 23, 2012
2:15 PM EDT
Spelling Nazi here: It's "lurch" not "learch"


Feb 23, 2012
2:36 PM EDT
It's stayin' misspelled!!!

Feb 23, 2012
4:09 PM EDT
JaseP, I like to think about the origins of phrases. Like shank's mare, apple of your eye, pie hole, cake hole (those two are my faves), gaslighting, burning the midnight oil, toe the line, load of codswallop, fine as frog's hair, dollars to donuts.... I shall stop now, for I could go on and on and on and on. :)

Feb 23, 2012
4:23 PM EDT
Psst, it's "shank's pony".

Feb 23, 2012
4:56 PM EDT
Heh skelband, I want to say "shut your pie hole" but that sounds mean :)

Feb 23, 2012
5:34 PM EDT
Well, it's actually "shanks' pony" to be properly correct.

Feb 24, 2012
12:02 AM EDT
My wife used to think it was quickety split, instead of lickety split.

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