Glad I got mine...

Story: Samsung Takes Another Slam With Galaxy Nexus BanTotal Replies: 11
Author Content

Jul 02, 2012
10:08 PM EDT
I think Apple is acting pretty d@mn aggressively. Do they honestly think that they can simply eliminate any and all competitors to their precious "i" devices? I personally wouldn't use an Apple product if they paid me!! I don't like Apple's business practices and I don't appreciate being told what I can and can't do with a device I paid for. My Galaxy Nexus is a fantastic device. In no way does it operate like or resemble an iPhone (which is one of several key reasons I chose it!) Like previous Nexus devices (my last phone was the venerable Nexus One) it is powerful, simple and just works. If Apple thinks it has the market cornered on that then it is mistaken.

Jul 03, 2012
12:42 AM EDT
Quoting:I think Apple is acting pretty d@mn aggressively. Do they honestly think that they can simply eliminate any and all competitors to their precious "i" devices? I personally wouldn't use an Apple product if they paid me!! I don't like Apple's business practices and I don't appreciate being told what I can and can't do with a device I paid for.

There is even bandied around the term "evil" when describing Apple's practices.


- ZDNet's piece 'Apple's mind-bogglingly greedy and evil license agreement', found at

-'s Business-section piece 'Apple’s Tax Avoidance: Evil Scheming, Good Business, or Both?', found at

- Today's New Zealand Herald News Technology-section piece 'Is Apple becoming an evil empire?', found at

Perhaps if Apple keeps up such "evil" practices, it will eventually transform itself into another SCO? (For a timeline of SCO-related litigation starting in 2003, see Groklaw's excellent SCO Litigation - From Soup to Nuts')


Jul 03, 2012
2:48 AM EDT
Is Apple becoming an evil empire?

Interesting question that heads of that article, but it is worded wrong, IMO. It should read "Is evil Apple becoming an empire?" Apple has always been pretty sleazy towards its competitors and even customers. Until a few years ago they were to small to matter. Now they are too big to ignore.

When it comes to Apple, iDon't.

Jul 03, 2012
2:58 AM EDT
Rotten Apple, more like.

Jul 03, 2012
3:44 AM EDT
I have neither a smartphone nor a looking at it objectively without any biased interest, all I see is one proprietary company smashing marketplace competition through the use of patents. The USA patent system and for that matter, the patent system as it applies world wide, is so horribly broken that it might just as well be discarded. Apple is forgetting that the ultimate judge should be the consumer. If product "X" is good or even better than the alternatives, then product X will be bought until the alternatives match or become superior. Now that's competition in the market place. Apple is now just another Microsoft in my opinion. The reek of rotten Apples is now intense.

Jul 03, 2012
9:53 AM EDT
This solidifies my "might buy one" to "Will buy one". I had been looking at the cheaper Chinese-made devices that sell within an attractive price range of 75.00-150.00. Reviews on them tend to be more good than bad, at least in my research so far.

Not that I exactly have lots of money to be throwing around but I like to support Samsung when I can. Looks like this will be one of those whatever means available.

Jul 03, 2012
10:07 AM EDT
If product "X" is good or even better than the alternatives, then product X will be bought until the alternatives match or become superior.

If that were the only criterion, I would probably own only iKit. I dislike to admit this, but Linux for all its geeky goodness and lack of artificial roadblocks is not without a certain amount of hands on tinkering. Apple for the most part is plugging in the plug and use it. At least this is what moderately skilled computer users, who bought Apple kit, tell me. Sometimes, the promise of "it just works" is tempting. (Not that I would want to miss out on my newly setup Zotac ZBox Nano XS HTPC, with Linux Mint and XBMC. The tinkering was well worth it).

I'm probably certifiable, but I also look at the company making the product and I do try to gauge what buying from that company means for my future. MS and Apple both fail the "good for my future" test.

Then again, your post implies the same, Ridcully. Not that you are certifiable, but that there are more criteria for buying kit than features alone.

Jul 03, 2012
10:13 AM EDT
Just ordered a Google Nexus 7. Looks like a good deal and runs unrestricted android 4.1 on a very fast quad processor. Around $200 for this will give the rotten apple a run for their money.

Jul 03, 2012
10:15 AM EDT
I'm probably certifiable

Embrace your madness Tripster....mine has kept me sane for years.

Jul 03, 2012
11:08 AM EDT
r_a_trip wrote:When it comes to Apple, iDon't.
I'm gonna steal that...

Jul 03, 2012
11:18 AM EDT
I'm gonna steal that...

Yeah, me too. Brilliant.

Jul 03, 2012
1:42 PM EDT
No need to steal it. I share it freely ;)

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