This may be the crucial step.

Story: UK makes ODF its official documents format standardTotal Replies: 2
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Jul 23, 2014
3:58 AM EDT
I could not be more pleased, but even more pleasing is the fact that the EU will almost certainly follow, country by country - and at last the "Microsoft format lockin" has been defeated. Champagne anyone ? Or even a snifter of single malt ? (Glen Morangie for choice - I've just been given a litre bottle as a gift; but Talisker is just as good.)

Perhaps even the "Windows druggie" of Australia will finally wake up to the horrible mess that Microsoft has created with its proprietary formats. Australia often does tread where the UK has blazed a trail.....hopefully it will do the same this time.

Update.......I deleted part of this.....irrelevant to the matter in hand.

Jul 23, 2014
8:26 AM EDT
Crucial or not, pivotal or not, it certainly is very good news.

Proprietary lock-in is awful.

Jul 23, 2014
8:59 AM EDT
Here's Andy Updegrove's take on the UK move, for those who may have missed it:

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