Minimalist Music Player

Forum: LinuxTotal Replies: 0
Author Content

Oct 07, 2014
6:42 AM EDT
Announcing the release of "Minimalist Music Player" V0.03 (GPL V2/3):

Source code follows:

find /path_to/MyMusic/ -iregex '.*flac\|.*ogg\|.*mp3\|.*m3u' -print0 |sort -R -z| xargs -0 mplayer

Installation procedure:

Copy the above line to your terminal, edit the path to suit, and run it. If you like it, make an alias.

Feature set:
  • This Player does not call home
  • This Player does not have a confusing GUI
  • Automatic shuffle
  • Proper handling for those troublesome file names containing space characters
  • Compatible with ls -s for setting up genre-based pseudo targets (a.k.a. Stations or Playlists)
  • Transparent code base, easy to understand and customize

License: GPL

The above code is hereby released under your choice of GPL V2 or GPL V3. You are free to improve it provided that you pass on your improvements. Feel free to publish your improvements as a comment to this thread.

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