XUL correction

Story: Firefox 0.8 is the release that won me overTotal Replies: 2
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Feb 10, 2004
4:42 AM EDT
Mozillazine pointed out that I made a mistake when I said that it isn't built with XUL. I presumed that they've made the change to GTK because the download offers the GTK2 version to download. Also, the speed of the browser makes if feel like a native GTK app.

Apparantly, however, it is still XUL! The performance of this XUL app is quite encouraging for XUL and I stand (sit) corrected. :)


Feb 10, 2004
12:23 PM EDT
We'll get this straightened out. Bertram Bourdrez was kind enough to write me with the following information:

Mozilla has always used GTK on Linux (well, they used Motif for a while, and there's been a short-lived Qt port). The mistake you made is to assume that they use these toolkits to render the widgets. XUL just uses features like windowing and font rendering from the underlying toolkit, and uses them to render its own widgets. The "GTK2" in the filename indicates that it's the GTK2-based version rather than the outdated GTK1 version (the GTK2 version adds anti-aliasing, for one, so it's not really Mozilla using XFT but rather it benefiting from a system-wide GTK improvement).

Feb 11, 2004
10:34 AM EDT
About Java... I was happy to be rid of it until more website developers began relying on it for not just dynamic content on static webpages, but even for simple forms where JavaScript would suffice.

Just as both of you have experienced, the JRE plugins from IBM, Sun, and other vendors were assembled with just slightly different versions of compilers than found with the most common distributions. This of course causes the plugin to fail and while the older Java plugins may load, they don't work with most content.

I've discovered, however, that the JRE packaged as part of Sun's J2SDK (the free developer version) was assembled using a compiler that actually works with Mozilla on RH9 and Fedora Core 1. Since J2SDK is a binary distribution as well, your results may well vary but it's well worth a try.

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